Wondering what makes an effective teacher? You’ve come to the right place. Whether you are a teacher or you’re looking forward to being one in the future, these effective teaching and learning practices below will help you grow and be a successful teacher. Let’s not waste any minute and get into it, shall we?

Understand your subject

The more you know about your subject, the better you will teach and achieve success. According to multiple research, your knowledge about your subject is one of the most important elements of great and effective teaching. Although this may seem obvious, studies found that most successful teachers have a deep understanding of the subject they are teaching. It’s crucial to completely know your subject for you to teach a lot better.

Develop relationships with your colleagues

Building relationships with your colleagues and communicating with parents regularly has an impact on the learning of students. In order to increase student relationship and achievement, it’s crucial for all teachers to engage with the parents of their students as well as talk with their colleagues on a regular basis.

Use your own learning style

Believe it or not, you can learn a lot faster and better if you acquire information in your own personal style. In fact, a survey shows that the majority of teachers think that they tend to learn new things quicker when they collect new information in their learning style. However, this approach does not have any evidence that it works, but still, it’s been proven by countless teachers so it is worth a try.

Provide clear instructions

As much as possible, try to deliver clear and simple instructions. Avoid providing complicated instructions as this will only make it harder for your students to get new information from you. Instead, keep everything clear yet simple enough for your pupils to easily understand. The way you give your instructions can effectively affect your teaching.

Build teacher-student relationships

When it comes to teaching, it is very important to build a good relationship for your students, especially if you want them to be interested and active when you are teaching. Don’t hesitate to talk to them casually when you’re outside of the class. Developing a great teacher-student relationship creates a positive classroom atmosphere.

Teaching is not an easy task — that is for certain. But if you’re looking for some ways to level up your teaching skills and be a successful teacher, consider following the teaching and learning practices above.